What is REACH?

The EU Regulation for the Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation and restriction of CHemicals (REACH) came into force on 1 June 2007. REACH requirements apply to all manufacturers and importers (or interested exporters) of the European Economic area (EU27 as well as Norway, Iceland, and Lichtenstein) that produce or handle chemicals in volumes higher than 1 tonne/year. ‘Non-EU manufacturers’ that place their products in the EU market are not allowed to register as such; instead, they are required to appoint a natural/legal person established in the EU (‘Only Representative’) that will be entrusted the fulfilment of their obligations under REACH.

For full detailed information, please visit the European Commission website.

The EBB REACH Consortium

The European Biodiesel Board (EBB) established an EBB Biodiesel REACH Consortium back in 2008, in order to facilitate the EU biodiesel industry to meet the requirements under REACH and to ensure proper registration of biodiesel and related substances. Consortium memberships were closed at the end of 2010 after the initial successful registration of substances carried by the Consortium members. The Consortium gathers 96 members, among them are producers, situated both inside and outside EU borders, as well as importers of biodiesel.

Consortium membership is no longer possible since 2010. However, companies who need to register substances covered by the EBB REACH Consortium may do so by purchasing a letter of access (LoA).  The LoA will provide you information relating to the registration process and the accompanying CSR model document.

For more information regarding the purchase of LoAs, please send an email with your company details and the substances your company intends to register to reach [at] ebb-eu.org.
